Monday SE was still under the weather so like a good parent, I kept him home from school. Now, I know that some people have full time jobs and rely on school as childcare....but sending your kid to school when they are sick, so they can get MY kid sick. Unacceptable. Fo-real. Parents need to have some consideration for the other kids in the school/class. Okay, rant over. SE stayed home, rested and watched several episodes of Team Umizoomi and Thomas the Train. He did half his therapy session (while laying on the playroom floor) and C completed his full session.
Fat Tuesday.....didn't get a King's cake this year. And surprise, surprise the local Price Chopper did NOT have any. Hmmmm.
Ash Wednesday. Yep, we're Catholic. So when checking mass times, the local chapel had two. 6:30am and 5:00pm. Negative on that. So we went to the chapel on post. The hubs walked from work and met us there. Now, SE is pretty well behaved during church as long as he has some stuff to keep him occupied. C on the other totally OOC. Out.Of.Control. He gabbed loudly for the first half of mass. The stares of others don't bother me anymore, but to be polite I smile when they're shooting the death rays from their eyes at my little family. Here's how I feel about kids in church; kids cry, laugh and shout and Jesus loves it all. They are children (literally) of the most high, so why shush them when they are in the house of the Lord? Now wailing?? Take 'em out in the hallway son. So that's what I did. Took C (who is almost 2 1/2) out into the front hallway where he proceeded to run and laugh. Now comes the time to receive ashes. Hubs had C and I had SE. He was doing great in line, then when we got to the priest, he puts the ashes on my head and then goes to put them on SE. Let me tell you.....SE was NOT having it. I was just thinking what he must have been thinking.
1. What is that black stuff you just put on my mom's face?
2. And now you, a stranger, want to touch me?? On my face?? Um..SPD dude!
3. AND.......NO.
4. Kthanksbye.
SE stared at our foreheads for the rest of the mass, but at least he was making AWESOME eye contact!!
That night we had our one full meal at our family's Ash Wednesday traditional restaurant. Captain D's. Long John Silver's is closer, but when we lived in CO and VA we always went to Captain D's. And we can't break tradition!!! As we were walking out after eating, I overheard a lady say, "Why does everyone have spots on their heads"? Hilarious. If you're in that boat....of thinking 'What the heck is on her head?' Please check this link --> Ash Wednesday explained
I also went to yoga on Wednesday. Jackie (my yoga teacher) decided to do 'heart openers' because it was so close to Valentine's Day. Cool. The lesson would end with a full backbend. Cool. Or so I thought.
When backbend time came, she points me out...because she thinks I'm strong or something, to do a partner backbend. Now, when I was in my early years, I could do a backbend with ease. Heck, into high school I could. I'm 34. I thought I could still do a backbend without problems. I was wrong. I felt SO dumb in class. And with that, a challenge had been issued in my mind. Backbend by June. I told Jackie I would be able to do one by June. She chuckled and said, 'Okay'. What??? Does she not believe I can do it?!?!?! I WILL.
I also have another pose I'd like to master by the end of 2013.
Pincha Mayurasana (Forearm stand)
This pose is scary times a million for someone of my height and body proportions. But I want to be able to do it. What is life without some challenges to yourself?? I've decided to start with a forearm headstand to be mastered this summer, then move to the forearm stand! I know all my gymnast friends are like...uh Rosie...EASY. Yeah, not for someone that hasn't been flipping around their whole life.
Then came Valentine's Day. I have a love/hate relationship with this "holiday". I love my family and friends everyday. I don't need a special day to tell me to show my love. I bought cards for family, and on a sidenote....when did cards get so freaking expensive?!?!?! $5 for a card?!?!? Um yeah, homemade card from now on. Family, you've been warned. I don't have a cricut or any of those fancy dancy card making stamp it up just be happy you're getting a card, no matter what it looks like.
Valentine's Day is almost as bad as Easter in terms of candy consumption. For those of us that are confirmed SUCKS. Temptation at every turn! I caved. Had more candies than I needed too. And I also shared the most fantastic cupcake ever with my little wonders SE and C. Along with a *gasp* glass of milk!
And it was GOOD.
I got an awesome Valentine from SE that he made at school.
I also got a report from his teacher that said he CHOSE to play with friends instead of having computer time! My kid. Yep, he chose the social interaction instead of time on electronics!!! WOOOOOOOOT!!!
Friday was pretty much back to normal...therapy in the morning, SE went to school, C and I ran errands. We picked up some Melissa and Doug wooden slicing toys. The boys both go bonkers over these toys and they are a big hit during therapy. would only make sense to buy them and work on stuff at home. C has gotten good at cutting and offering me pieces of pizza, bread and apple.
The next morning I got up and said.....LET'S DO THIS....and ran 10 miles. Yes TEN miles.
It was 19 degrees don't hate on my hat.
I will say that mile 8 to 9...I thought my knees were going to give out. They were screaming..."Rosie....what the hell are you doing??? I guess you forgot that in the 4 years you played volleyball at Ohio State you jumped like a gazillion times and we took the brunt of that punishment"?!?!?!
So from this.......
To this.......
SE thought the ice was WAY fun to play with. I, on the other hand, thought it was damn cold. And my feet HURT. But it was worth it, and the half marathon finish will be too!!
I wore my Bodybugg during the run and burned 1257 calories for the whole run. So yeah, I enjoyed my chocolate filled processed food crap sugary donut for Donut Saturday.
And today, Sunday was a living room yoga kinda day. I did the same hip opener routine from the Amazon Instant Video rental as last week and then I tried some different poses I found in my Yoga Journal magazine.
Here's a plank from my sun salutation series.
Check my triceps!!! Guess all that hardwork in the weight room is FINALLY paying off!!
I still have a ways to go, but I'm getting there!
And now time for some brotherly love. My boys don't really interact too much. UNLESS, one has a toy that the other wants as well. We're working on this in therapy and in just everyday life. Ideally I would love to see them play tag and pretend play together. Of course, that doesn't come easy for either of them and at some point I think we'll have to bring in some peer models to in essence, show them how to play. Today SE requested the iPad very politely so I gave it to him. C saw this and wanted to see what SE was doing. The kitchen table was the scene of the action. So C took matters into his own hands and got a better view of the iPad on his own.
Yep, that's my 2 year old....ON TOP of the kitchen table. LOL.
And for the TWITTER reference. So. I have a twitter account and I can't remember the email address I used for it. I put in my username and it sends an email to some address I don't remember. Then I try every password I can think of and get locked out. BUT, I'm still logged in on my phone and I love my profile. :( Boo. So, I'm just going to make a new one I guess. Look for @supermama_rosie!!! Follow me! I'm just now really joining the Twitter world, thanks to a good friend telling me I'm ancient and I need to get on board. Thanks Rod!
Until next time....which WON'T be a week from now..I promise!!
Supermama rosie
I need to blog more too. You are super duper. Good job!